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  • Arbor Acres Service Bulletin: Treatment of Intestinal Worms in Broiler Breeders

    Intestinal worms are commonly diagnosed during necropsy of pullets, cockerels and occasionally broilers. A preventative worming program is suggested in rearing breeders to reduce the incidence and severity of intestinal worms. Lea más

  • Ross Note: Treatment of Intestinal Worms in Broiler Breeders

    Intestinal worms are commonly diagnosed during necropsy of pullets, cockerels and occasionally broilers. A preventative worming program is suggested in rearing breeders to reduce the incidence and severity of intestinal worms. Lea más

  • Arbor Acres Best Practice on the Farm: Fly Control

    Flies pose a health risk for humans and poultry. They are carriers of Salmonella, Pasteurella, Campylobacter and E.coli, which can have a negative impact on poultry flocks and farm personnel. The speed of fly reproduction can vary depending on environmental conditions such a… Lea más

  • Ross Best Practice on the Farm: Fly Control

    Flies pose a health risk for humans and poultry. They are carriers of Salmonella, Pasteurella, Campylobacter and E.coli, which can have a negative impact on poultry flocks and farm personnel. The speed of fly reproduction can vary depending on environmental conditions such a… Lea más

  • Aviagen Grading to Manage Uniformity Interactive pdf

    The Grading to Manage Uniformity pdf is an interactive document which takes the user through the various stages involved in grading a population of birds using CV% or Uniformity +/- 10%. The pdf allows the user to investigate their procedures and identify potential problems. Lea más

  • Aviagen Excel Tool to Help Manage Grading Populations - Metric

    This excel tool calculates the correct grading populations and weight ranges within each graded population from a given CV or +/- 10% uniformity and average weight. The tool also calculates feeder and drinker requirements, bird numbers and stocking densities for fixed or adj… Lea más

  • Arbor Acres Parent Stock Management Handbook

    The purpose of this Handbook is to help Aviagen customers optimize the performance from their parent stock. As parent stock, all Arbor Acres genotypes are selected to produce the maximum number of vigorous day-old chicks by combining high egg numbers with good hatchability, … Lea más

  • Ross 308 AP Management Supplement

    The Ross 308 AP is a Ross breeder that has been developed specifically for the Latin American market and selected for higher meat yield and a lower feed conversion ratio (FCR) when compared to the Ross 308. The purpose of this supplement is to highlight the management differ… Lea más

  • Poster: Minimum Ventilation For Broilers

    Minimum ventilation brings fresh air into the house and exhausts stale in-house air, while maintaining in-house air temperature. This poster gives best practice management recommendations for effective minimum ventilation of broilers in environmentally controlled housing. Lea más

  • Aviagen Brief: Management Advice for Parent Stock Production with Minimal Antibiotic Use

    This document presents advice for producers who aim to minimize antibiotic use in parent stock production and is based on the experience and expertise of those with practical knowledge of this situation. It is intended to provide information that allows parent stock to be gr… Lea más

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