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  • Marek's Disease Virus

    Marek’s disease (MD) is a lymphoproliferative disease of chickens induced by a herpesvirus, Marek’s disease virus (MDV). MD is a major threat for the poultry industry because of the economic consequences in the absence of proper methods of control. MD has been successfully c… Leia mais

  • Aviagen Brief: Male Replacement Programs to Improve Persistency of Fertility

    If managed effectively, male replacement programs can help to improve persistency in fertility. Introducing a number of new, generally younger males into a flock causes a change in the flock’s social pattern, stimulating the mating activity within the flock and increasing ov… Leia mais

  • Feathering in Broiler Breeder Females

    Maintaining feather cover in broiler breeder hens is important for economic production and animal welfare. This booklet presents our current knowledge about feathering in broiler breeder hens from a scientific point of view. Leia mais

  • Aviagen Brief: Management of Broiler Breeders in the Absence of Beak Treatment

    The beak treatment of young broiler breeders has been used as an aid to prevent cannibalism and mortality due to feather pecking since the 1970's, but within the next few years' beak treatment will no longer be allowed in many countries. The aim of this document is to detail… Leia mais

  • A Guide to Managing Broilers in Open-Sided Housing

    Rearing broilers in open-sided housing is still preferred by growers in many parts of the world where there is  sparse availability of electricity, poor infrastructure, and low levels of initial investment.

    The objective of this supplement is to provide best practice mana… Leia mais

  • Ross Best Practice in the Breeder House: Transfer

    This document details the key best management practices when transferring broiler breeders from rear to lay facilities. Where rear and move facilities exist birds are transferred out of the rearing facilities and moved to the laying facilities before lay commences. This proc… Leia mais

  • Aviagen Best Practice in the Breeder House: Transfer

    This document details the key best management practices when transferring broiler breeders from rear to lay facilities. Where rear and move facilities exist birds are transferred out of the rearing facilities and moved to the laying facilities before lay commences. This proc… Leia mais

  • Aviagen Fertility Problem Solving Interactive PDF

    This interactive pdf is designed to be used as a smart tool, offering a quick reference guide to get to key parts of existing literature to help you identify the causes of infertility issues you may be experiencing with your flocks. Leia mais

  • Ross Best Practice in the Hatchery: Transfer

    At around 18 days of incubation, eggs have to be taken out of the setters, moved from setter trays to hatcher baskets and transferred into hatchers for the last 3 days of incubation. Transfer must be carefully organized and managed to avoid eggs becoming chilled or over-heat… Leia mais

  • Aviagen Best Practice in the Broiler House: Biosecurity

    Biosecurity creates hygienic conditions within the poultry house to minimize the adverse effects of disease, optimize bird performance and welfare, and provide assurance on food safety issues. Poor bird health has a negative impact on all aspects of flock management and prod… Leia mais

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